Episode 71: Molé Mama's Tamalada (Tamale Party)

Tamale season is here! Alicias Delicias, her mama, her daughters, and Little Hunneys Cakery and her daughter joined me for my very first Tamalada in San Diego! Together we made 14 dozen tamales in a few hours! I share our recipes, our assembly tips, and how much fun we had! And I even tell you how many tamales I ate, oh my! Be warned this episode will make you hungry for tamales!

Episode 71: Molé Mama's Tamalada (Tamale Party)
Molé Mama
Alicia Delicias, Little Hunnys Cakery, Mama Gina & Molé Mama making tamales

Alicia Delicias, Little Hunnys Cakery, Mama Gina & Molé Mama making tamales