Episode 104: Lasagna Love Is Spreading Love And Kindness One Bite At A Time

Rhiannon's heartwarming story to help families during our pandemic by cooking lasagnas with her 3 1/2 daughter embodies kindness and the ability to spread love with food. Lasagna Love has blossomed from one mama to over 5000 mamas and papas volunteering to feed families in every state in the U.S.

Watch on YouTube or listen below.

Rhiannon Menn is a mama, chef, designer, and adventurer. She loves decaf coffee, traveling, and super fuzzy sweaters. She’s never met a bread pudding she didn’t like! In 2019 after the birth of her second child she had an epiphany: when she took good care of herself, she was much better at taking care of those around her. She founded Good to Mama as a way to change the narrative about what it means to be a mom. In 2020 she also founded Lasagna Love to help moms and families impacted by the pandemic. She’s been featured on the Today Show, in the Washington Post, and on SouthernLiving.com. You can find her online at www.begoodtomama.com and www.lasagnalove.org, or on Instagram @begoodtomama. 

Episode 86: Mamá Maggie's Kitchen - Shares Her Authentic Mexican Recipes

Maggie's passion for sharing Mexican food recipes, her love of family, and traveling left Molé Mama longing to cook with her new amiga! Get ready to create a list of new recipes that you must try! This show will make you hungry, so have chips and salsa, and even a margarita nearby!

Watch our podcast on YouTube or listen below.

Visit Mamá Maggie's Kitchen website and Instagram for more inspiring recipes!