Episode 24: Celebrate Dia de los Muertos with Molé Mama and Eva Zermeño

Learn more about Day of the Dead festivities, how to honor your ancestors, the importance of food, and so much more. It's so important for us to celebrate those we've lost and to remember the memories, food and love we shared!

#4 Dia de Los Muertos Alter.png

Visit Molé Mama’s YouTube channel for many of the recipes featured in this episode.

Episode 15: Molé Mama on Saving Our Family Recipes

My mama's delicious recipes are my cherished treasures from our time together! Saving our family recipes for future generations connects us with our cultural roots and their love. I share tips on how to record cooking videos, create family cookbooks, etc.

My sweet Mama’s legacy!

My sweet Mama’s legacy!

Visit my YouTube channel and learn how to make this delicious Mexican food.